SCORE Second Steering Commitee Meeting held in Brussels

The Steering Committee of SCORE (“Strengthening Coaching with the Objective to Raise Equality”) project met in Brussels on 18 April 2016. The main aim of the meeting was to to assess what has been achieved so far regarding the programme for the Education for Mentors, validate the content of the SCORE toolkit “Awareness Pack”, and plan future dissemination activities and in particular the final conference. SCORE is a European project supported by the Erasmus+ Sport Programme and led by the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO).

The Steering Committee analysed the work done so far and EOSE provided insights into the evaluation results from the mid-term internal survey as well as to consult with the over Steering Committee members on the best strategy to adopt as regard the final evaluation that will look into the keys of success and measure the impact of the project with a longer term perspective.


The SCE is a formally established continental body for Europe of the International Council for Coaching Excellence.

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