ICCE to support India develop the coaches of the future

ICCE and the India Government met in London to follow up on the recommendations of the scoping study conducted in 2016. Coach developers and children’s coaches are the top priority.

Sport is undergoing a drastic transformation in India. Secretary for Sport Mr Injeti Srinivas travelled to London to meet with the ICCE delegation. The purpose of the visit was to follow up on the findings from the scoping study conducted by ICCE last year after their visit to Patiala National Institute of Sport.

Mr Srinivas outlined the priorities of the Indian Government and a number of projects have started to take shape. Top of the agenda are the development of a highly trained coach developer workforce across all 36 Indian states and the creation of an appropriately educated coaching children workforce to service the increase in demand caused by a recently passed education bill which makes Sport and Physical Education compulsory in all schools in India.

ICCE and the India government will continue to work closely to shape up these projects towards implementation in the near future.


The SCE is a formally established continental body for Europe of the International Council for Coaching Excellence.

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