ICCE Emerging Countries Working Group

The ICCE Strategy Giving Coaches a strong voice across the Globe has led to the identification of 12 members to develop a set of guidelines for Emerging nations on the key features that could assist with enhancing the menu of opportunities for sports coaching from emerging and developing nations.

Desiree Vardhan (South Africa)- WG member; Aaron Alsop (Australia/Solomon Islands)- WG member; Alberto Graziano (Mozambique)- WG member; Afzan Mahadi (Malaysia) -WG member; Mauricio Garzon (Columbia) -WG member; Thilaka Jinadasa (Sri Lanka) -WG member; Bino Santos (Cape Verde) -WG member; Leti Baez (Paraguay) -WG member; Narin HajTass (Jordan/Saudi Arabia) -WG member; Steven Rynne (Australia) –Advisory member; Bennie Anderson (South Africa)- Advisory member; Frederic Sadys (France) – Advisory member

The emerging nations “self-driven” capacity-building approach aims to empower countries to address their own sports coaching problems through the strategies intervention programmes and one of the priorities is to develop sport coaching capacity that is sustainable and advance the agenda of sports coaching amongst the emerging nations.

ICCE has successfully developed a unique network with the identified system builders from across the globe and with the advisory group members that are anchored in research institutes that is key to the essential role in addressing the critically urgent issues related to the sustainable development of sports coaching. The emerging nations group members identified 3 advisory members, Steven Rynne (Australia), Bennie Anderson (South Africa), Frederic Sadys (France) to support the members with reviewing current research across the globe on developing and emerging countries and seek to maximise best practice in sports coaching. 

The workgroup members are in the process of gathering data whilst reviewing their countries current sports coaching status to help identify key areas in preparing the assessment tool through agreed themes and frame of reference for the emerging nations.

At the end of the implementation of the assessment tool project, it is envisaged that the emerging nations group will produce a first interim report articulating achievements, difficulties encountered and recommendations at the ICCE 2021 Global Coach Conference in Lisbon.


The SCE is a formally established continental body for Europe of the International Council for Coaching Excellence.

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