Further Consultation of ICCE’s International Coaching Degree Standards

During recent years, the ICCE has developed a set of International Coach Degree Standards (ICDS) with the aim of providing an internationally accepted reference point for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) developing the coaching workforce world-wide.

The ICDS are presented as a flexible, non-compulsory set of guidelines for the creation of high-quality curricula and delivery programmes to develop the next generation of coaches at the graduate level.  This respects local and national cultures, the role of established education and coaching agencies, the functions of domestic and international federations, and the institutional autonomy of HEIs,

Commencing in 2015, the development of the ICDS has involved iterative and global consultation. Over the course this journey, a growing number of HEIs expressed an interest in the development of a formal ICDS endorsement process that would allow them to continue to develop their existing provision. In seeking to inform and create such process, the ICCE is requesting further input from experts and interested parties across its membership and stakeholder base.

Therefore, the ICCE would like to invite you to review the endorsement materials available HERE. We ask that you provide any feedback and comments directly on the documents hosted on Google Docs by March 6th 2020.

Specifically, areas we are particularly keen to gain your views on are:

  • Appropriateness and feasibility of the proposed process of endorsement (including categories of full / major / minor);
  • Proposed costs and anticipated benefits of endorsement;
  • Potential barriers to efficient endorsement processes;
  • Whether you would be interested in being a pilot institution (any category).

We anticipate that taking part in this consultation should take somewhere between 45-90 minutes and your contribution will make a global difference.

Thank you in advance for your interest and cooperation.


The SCE is a formally established continental body for Europe of the International Council for Coaching Excellence.

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