First International CoachForce21 Conference hosted by the Hellenic Federation of Sports Coaches and Trainers

The first international event of the CF21 Project took place in Athens on 14th February 2020.  The international event involved Coaches Associations, Federations, Unions, Single Sport Associations, Sport Ministries and General Secretariats of Sports from neighbouring countries. Distinguished speakers from the coaching field were invited to speak on issues covered by Project CoachForce21. The theme of the event was “The Future of Coaching – Coaching in the 21st Century”.

CoachForce21 is a 3-year Erasmus+ funded project which commenced in October 2018.

The project aims to strengthen coach representation at national and European level through the provision of guidance and support for existing and developing Coaches’ Associations in the EU. The project will bring the Voice of the Coach to the fore of the Social Dialogue in Sport to foster Good Governance in the Sector. CoachForce21 partners include Leeds Beckett University (UK), the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE), Czech Olympic Committee, Hungary Coaches Association, Trainerakademie of Cologne (Germany), the Polish Sports Institute, Portuguese Sports Coaches Confederation, Professional Finnish Coaches Association, and POPA.

Greek Secretary General of Sport George Mavrotas opened the Athens event alongside General Secretary of the Greek National Olympic Committee, Manolis Kolymbadis.

President of POPA, Mr. Athanasios D. Villiotis presented on ‘The need for a Coaches Institution: History and Objectives’.

Sergio-Lara-Bercial, CF21 Director, gave an introduction to the Coachforce21 project, and an overview of the Status of Coaching in the European Union.  

Guillermo Calvo, CF21 Research Assistant, presented some findings regarding the Status of Coaches Associations in the European Union.

Pedro Sequeira, President of Coaching Portugal and Rain Nieminen, Executive Director of SAVAL Professional Coaches Finland both explored ‘Next Steps for CoachForce21 – Developing Resources for Coaches Associations’.

Please visit for further information on Project Coachforce21.

Please download all of the presentations below:

Introduction to CoachForce21 and the Status of Coaching in the European Union

Mapping Coaches Associations (IO2) and Best Practice Collection (IO3)

Coaching Portugal

Professional Coaches of Finland


The SCE is a formally established continental body for Europe of the International Council for Coaching Excellence.

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