Coach Sport Integrity (CSI) – implementation of course to coaches in Hungary

Hungarian Coaching Association (HCA) in cooperation with the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) embedded and implemented the short version course of the CSI project during HCA’s regular coach development program in two occasions.

On 21st May the course topic was for coaches active in school sports. The law which obliges schools to everyday physical education is posed as a major challenge for schools. It is a common practice that some physical education classes are held by coaches from the sport clubs, using their club’s facilities for the delivery. This is mutually beneficial as lessons can be kept for the school, and the sport clubs can widen the bases of sport participation.

On 4th June the training focused on the other three modules on doping of the CSI short education material. The modules were integrated and the content was delivered by Hungarian expert nr. 1 dr. Ágnes Tiszeker, Executive Director of Hungarian Anti-Doping Group (HUNADO). The anti-doping educational information presented has emphasized the health aspects of doping and approached the need for raising awareness with positive branding. Recent and meaningful Hungarian and international case studies were presented by the expert. Emphasis was given to the role and responsibility of the coach, importance of possessing relevant information, and the ethical attitude of the coach.

For more information on the project, please visit the website here.


The SCE is a formally established continental body for Europe of the International Council for Coaching Excellence.

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