2nd European Meeting of Coaches Associations and Coaching Organisations

The ICCE, its continental group European Coaching Council, and Hellenic Federation of Sports Coaches and Trainers (POPA) hosted a very successful 2nd European Meeting of Coaches Associations and Coaching Organisations in Greece on 23-34 May 2016, after the 1st European Meeting in Cologne, Germany in April 2014.  This meeting was a further opportunity to shape up the representation of sport coaches and sport coaching on a European level.

The meeting was attended by representatives from sports in 20 European countries, with long experience in the field, who shared best practice; showcased and discussed the cooperation between national and continental associations of coaches and coaching organisations, their cooperation with national and international/European governing bodies. There was also good discussion around issues related to the coaching professions and debate on future representation at the European level.

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The SCE is a formally established continental body for Europe of the International Council for Coaching Excellence.

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